Sunday, February 22, 2009

Did I say "Intermediate"?

Yesterday I went up to York River State Park to meet my brother; Thomas, and his two friends for a little single track riding (mountain bikes). I has asked him the difficulty level of the trail, because my bike is an older model and has some problems. His reply was "Intermediate". So I said that I was in. Of course I did not read the sign before entering "Marl Ravine Trail" which is about 5.67 miles long. After entering the one way trail, I realized that this is a little more than what I would call intermediate. If I had read the sign, I would have known what I was getting into. The sign read "For advance riders, helmets are required." I will be honest that I lagged behind quite often and had to walk a few places, but it was awesome. I think that I have the bug again for riding. There were some fast turns, logs across the trails and small jumps. It took us about one hour and forty minutes to complete, probably because of me and my out dated, run down equipment. It was just really cool and peaceful. A place that I hope to return to often. I do need to purchase some new tires and bearings; those two things alone should be able to increase my speed and cornering. Look for pictures of future riding adventures. Oh and yes brother you did say "Intermediate".

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